Thermohouse registered on Voluntary Construction Register 2023/2024


Thermohouse are delighted to announce that we are registered on the Voluntary Construction Register (VCR) for 2023/2024. Registration no: 190043.

When engaging a VCR registered construction entity, consumers can be confident that they are dealing with experienced people. VCR standards are high and only construction companies, sole traders and builders who meet the strict eligibility criteria are registered on VCR.

Thermohouse’s registration on the VCR demonstrates their high level of compliance and commitment to building regulations and construction best practice.


The registered title is a professional designation granted to an applicant who meets specific requirements as outlined by the VCR Admission and Registrations Board. Becoming a Registered Builder means that the applicant has subjected oneself to an onerous review process to obtain the designated registration category under the register.

By registering with VCR, members commit to delivering excellence in every aspect of their work. They are competent and capable to deliver the job at hand, they run their business in a professional manner and they sign up to continuous professional development to stay at the forefront of construction best practices.


Our Certificate of Registration can be seen below:

Further Information


To view our online membership profile, please click here.

View all Thermohouse’s certificates here.

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